Guest Book

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193 Responses to “Guest Book”

  1. Katy says:

    Que bien hace al corazón escuchar interpretaciones tan bellas…estoy admirada y feliz de haber conocido a este gran artista…es un honor para mi escuchar. La sencillez, la fuerza, el talento brota de manera sencilla desde el corazón de Leonid…Agradezco el tener la oportunidad de poder escuchar y ver y desde mi querida ciudad Valparaíso, le envío a través de la brisa primaveral con todo el aroma de las flores, mi cariño, respeto y admiración

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  2. Cathrine says:

    I first saw Leonid Kharitonov on his first tour with the Soviet Army Chorus. I was just a child, but my parents agree I was completely transformed hearing his voice. To this day, there is no one to match his power and delicacy, no one who can lift me from my seat like he can. Entirely because of that experience, I became insane for the male voice, the operatic voice, and the BIG male choir.

    Gospodin Kharitonov, if you are still there, thank you with my whole soul for a lifetime of joy.

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  3. Claudia says:

    Happy Birthday Leonid!
    I’m so happy for you and for me to have this opportunity to greet the singer whose voice graced my childhood days. I wish you, and your family many years of life full of health and happiness!

    Claudia Contreras G.
    Temuco, Chile.

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  4. Claudia says:

    Happy Birthday Leonid! I’m so happy for you and for me to have this opportunity to greet the singer whose voice graced my childhood days. I wish you and your family many years of life full of health and happiness!

    Thanks for your voice!

    Claudia Contreras G.

    Temuco, Chile.

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  5. Aderbal Soares says:

    Mr. Kharitonov. I wrote you a message last year. I watched some videos of you today and I must say that there is not one time I hear your voice that I don’t feel absolutely amazed. Because I think that feelings are better expressed in one’s native language, I wish my Russian were good enough to express what great joy I experience when I listen to your recordings. Let it suffice to say that I wish I could throw flower bouquets to your feet, just like they do in theaters. Thank you for sharing your glorious sound with the world. I will remember you in my prayers. God bless you and your family just like has always happened.

    With best wishes,

    Aderbal Soares

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  6. Ringo says:

    Dear Mr. Kharitonov (and son),
    I’m a fourteen year old boy from the Netherlands. Once again, this proves that your music is not only for old men, haha.
    Almost a year ago, I discovered your music on YouTube. I’m inspired by it, and now I listen to it every day. Such a powerful and perfect voice! Although I can’t speak or read Russian, I understand what you’re singing. You’re one of my idols.
    Mikhail Kharitonov, thank you for uploading these wonderful video’s of Mr. Kharitonov on YouTube, it has made my life (and many others) better.

    So thank you, for inspiring entire generations over the entire planet, and enriching their lives, which will happen as well for the generations that have to come. Many luck and health to the Kharitonov familiy.
    Sincery, a big fan. 🙂

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    • Reynardine says:

      Not only were all old men once young men, and all old women once young women, you will find, when you are old, that you have not changed into anyone else. You’re the same you, and you still like the same things, which in my case happens to be first-rate authentic Russian singers.

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  7. Jonas Hausmann says:

    Dear Mr. Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov thank you for making such beautiful music. I’m an eighteen years old young boy from germany which has also a bass baritone voice (not like yours because xour voice is very unique). I want just to say thank you to you because you inspired me to improve my singing skills. Your music has gained a very big importance for me over the last 3 years. I listen it every day. You are an idol for me . I want to tell you my admiration not because I think this is important for you to be adimrated by an 18 year old boy but to shown you that you have changen my world. I wish you a longer live and health to all your family members. Sincerely in greatest admiration Jonas Hausmann

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  8. Reynardine says:

    Mikhail Leonidovich, I note it is many months now since you have responded to any of us, and clearly it is not your courtesy that has lessened. Are you and your father well?

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    • Juan says:

      This is fantastic group, tohetger with a few others russian hard/heavy groups.Many parties passed with this inspirationl musuc.Viva Russian Heavy Metal.Greeteings from Bulgaria.

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      • Reynardine says:

        Greetings to you, also, Juan. My mother’s side of the family came mostly from Yambol and Burgas.

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  9. Reynardine says:

    I did not discover Mr. Kharitonov until a few months ago, when I found his 1965 video of “Song of the Volga Boatmen” on Youtube. This I forwarded to everyone I could, with the comment, “This is the most Russian-looking, Russian-sounding thing I ever encountered! Who is this guy?” I finally found out who is this guy. Even though I was heavily into Russian studies in the Sixties, this was something new…the Cold War kept this precious secret from us. But now, at last, the secret is out; and we, his newfound fans, can only borrow a soupy line from a soupy movie and say, “Ah, Zhivago, if only we had met in time!”

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  10. T.H. Merritt says:

    I have only recently discovered Mr. Kharitonov and all I can say is, WOW, look what I have been missing! This has got to be one of the most powerful human voices in the world. His command of the musical scale and subtle nuances of every song touches the heart. His music trancends language and truly touches something deep within the soul of the human spirit! To hear him sing “Between High Corn” is very moving and almost a religious experience. I will be adding his works to the top of my musical library. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. You have a whole new generation of fans in the United States. Best Wishes.

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  11. Posharow says:

    Incredible artist. I listen often and enjoy his voice every time.
    Best wishes for a long and healthy life,

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  12. Christian says:

    I am only a 15 year old boy from Spain, and I discovered this artist like many did. One single song made me be interested, and I started searching more and more. He is a real singer, compared to what we teenagers have nowadays, nothing compared to Leo!

    Leo is such a talent!! He is the proof that people are born with talent!!
    He gives life and strenght to songs, that without voice are simply poetry and words. ‘He turns the brick into a house’!

    An amazing man, with a talented voice.

    Greetings from Spain, and thank you for your music!

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  13. Gabi Fuerst says:

    Hallo, Maestro,

    I have look in you toube all your songs, because i love the russian folksongs and every music. the russian music have feelings.
    I have in my past time in Eastgermany (Weimar) sometimes hear and see the russian musicians of red army. I was always happy about.

    Best greetings from Kenya , i living here, to Russia.

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  14. Michel says:

    Dear Mr.Kharitonov,

    What amazed me most was that your voice is as powerful,darkand warm as Russia can be.
    My personal view is you’re so much better within the choir,than you are as a solist performer.
    The balance of a choir makes it sound like magic and that can be found back in every aspect of your voice.
    Enjoy living and a good laughter every day.

    kind regards,

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  15. Kit says:

    I am 27 years old and only just recently became aware of you, and I wanted to say how much I enjoy your singing. The sheer heart and soul you put into your performances is astonishing. I can honestly say that I’ll be a lifelong fan. May God always grant you the joy that your singing has brought to me. Thank you.


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