Guest Book

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193 Responses to “Guest Book”

  1. Jose Vega says:

    Hello there! My name is Jose Vega and I’m 22 years old. I’m still inspired by people like your father and Paul Robeson who sought to bring our two countries together. I have only a deep admiration and respect for the art of opera singers such as your father. Music can unite countries and bring us hope when the odds seem insurmountable. Im reaching out because we are hosting a Beethoven marathon for his birthday. I don’t know if there are any recordings of your father singing Beethoven, but because Beethoven represents the unity and love for mankind, I thought of your father and how through his singing he fought for the same mission. I hope to hear back from you because a statement from you would be great to show on our marathon of Beethoven. Thank you!

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    • Dear, Jose!
      Thank you very much for your very warm and clever words! I hope that your marathon of Beethoven went successfully and was a real joy for all the participants!

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  2. Doğukan Piyale says:

    Dear Mikhail Kharitonov,

    I’m a young man from Turkey who is a very big admirer of your father and his music. I have introduced his great voice to all of my friends, and with every person I meet, his admirers grow in numbers. I am deeply sorry for the passing of your late father, but I hope you will find solace in the fact that his spirit echoes still in the hearts and minds of countless people all over the world.

    My kindest regards,
    Doğukan Piyale

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  3. Mira says:

    I discovered this fantastic singer and gentleman only yesterday on youtube through chernoglazuyu kozachku. I felt so jelous that he is not singing about me😁. Luckily, I have a daughter named Katarina, so I am adreesing her as chernoglazaya and Katya, Katya, Katerina. Do I have to tell you that she is embaressed and I am happy to sing his song? Also, such a good looking man who is actually acting the song out with such a grace is nowhere else to see. All of his songs are amazing, because he is fantastic in every respect! Bolshoe spasiba!

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  4. Nicolas Godoy says:

    Greetings from argentina, and thanks for the video of the last concert of the red army choir, i love your opera too.

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  5. Ben Salazar says:

    Rest in peace. Great artist.

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  6. Timo says:

    Hello,is there any possible way to get a autograph of this wonderful man. May he never be forgotten.

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  7. Chris says:

    This song has always stirred up some melancholy and sad feelings for me. It’s so powerful and Mr. Kharitonov has such an amazing voice. Thank you, sir, for your dedication to the craft of music. I admire the resilience the Russians have shown for centuries. Cheers, comrades. Long live Russia!

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  8. Ben says:

    I would very much like one of those photo’s if you have any left at this time. My apologies for my lack of speed in replying. Please let me know what I must to to make it possible.

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  9. Max says:

    I was thinking of this picture.

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  10. Max says:

    Hello, I am a big fan of Kharitonov and I would ask for permission to use on of your photos to colorize and bring new life to them.
    Is this okay or not?

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  11. Robert says:

    My deepest condolences for your father’s passing.

    I recently found some videos of him performing on youtube and quickly became a fan. For the past two months or so I was very happy to go through his interviews and performances and learn more about him, his stories of the Soviet Union and the Aleksandrov Ensemble and so on. It never occurred to me to wonder how old he was, he just felt so timeless. It came as a great shock to find out he passed just last year.

    I hope you know what a great job you’re doing honouring his memory on this site and the youtube channel. He’ll be forever immortalised in those classic concerts and we’ll always remember him as a dashing young man so full of spirit. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your father’s great gift.

    May he rest in peace.

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  12. Diane says:

    Dear Mikhail Kharitonov,
    I first learned of your father after the terrible plane crash last Christmas. I saw his interview about the members of the Alexandrov Ensemble, and saw how devastated he was. I am sure that tragedy was hard for him to recover from.
    His performance of the “Dark-Eyed Cossack Girl” I find to be one of the most humorous and delightful things I have ever seen.
    My chorus, the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus, participated in a Memorial at the Teardrop Monument in Bayonne, NJ, and will be laying a wreath in memory of the Alexandrov Ensemble again this year on January 6th.
    We would be honored to read a short statement from you about your late father and/or the Alexandrov Ensemble on this occasion. Please contact me, if you wish to send something. It can be in Russian. My sincere condolences on the death of your father. He was a very profound and good person.

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    • Dear Diane,
      Sorry for my late reply. I have noticed it just recently. I couldn’t answer you then since I was completely broke with the sad news about my father for some time and couldn’t react appropriatly. I would like to thank you for your kind words and your appreciation. And I would like to wish you much success with your choir activity.

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  13. Julie says:

    To Mr. Mikhail Kharitonov

    Dear Mr. Kharitonov,

    I would like to offer to you my sincere condolences for
    your loss of your father. It is never easy to lose a parent
    as they are the anchors of our lives. I can see by the great
    and tender care with which you maintain and host this site
    and the Youtube channel for your late father how much he
    meant to you.
    I was introduced to your father’s singing when last year
    a very precious friend sent to me the video of your father’s
    performance of “Ey, Ukhnem!” at the Tschaikovsky Hall in
    1965. And your father instantly became one of my most
    favourite singers. I think that several of the visitors at Youtube
    are right about his magnificent voice, it was like thunder
    not speak of its warmth and depth. From your Talking With
    My Father series and other videos like the BBC interview,
    I could hear and see that your father was a very warm, kind and gentle
    man. I could also see how very proud Boris Alexandrov was of your
    father, as after his performance of “Ey, Ukhnem!” he hugged
    your father, and I understood from Wikipedia that Boris Alexandrov
    often showed his pride of your father. And the video of your father’s
    visit together with Ivan Bukreev, Alexei Sergeev and Arthur Eisen
    to Boris Alexandrov was very touching. And I loved how they all sang
    for Boris Alexandrov. I also loved how Boris Alexandrov’s little dog only
    responded to your father’s singing during this visit
    Besides your father, Evgeny Belyaev, Alexei Sergeev and Ivan Bukreev
    and the Alexandrov Ensemble in its entirety also belong to my most
    favourite singers, Their- and your father’s singing helped me through
    me many tough moments.
    I realise that it takes time to truly develop a voice, but as your father
    sang for twelve years in the choir of the Alexandrov Ensemble, it was
    still a long time before he became a soloist.
    And thank you for hosting and maintaining this site and the Youtube

    Kind regards,

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  14. Neil Nettmann says:

    RIP, a wonderful artist

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  15. Ben says:

    Does mr Kharitonov allow autographs for his fans? I hope it is not presumptuous to ask.

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    • Admin says:

      Ben, I have a few photos with his autographs. I can send you one, if you want.

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