Leonid Kharitonov has passed away

September 25 2017   30 Commented

My name is Mikhail Kharitonov and I’m the younger son of Leonid Mikhailovich. I have a very sad news for all the admirers of the famous Russian operatic singer. Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov has passed away on the 19th of September, 2017, after suffering his 5th heart attack. This happened the next day after his 84th birthday.

For that reason and in the memory of the artist, I would like to show you his favorite Russian romance song which he considered to be the main song of his life – “Shine, shine, my star!”. Farewell, dear father and a great singer! 

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30 Responses to “Leonid Kharitonov has passed away”


    I just discovered this wonderful site, thank you very much. I am in awe listening to this
    Greatest Artist, Leonid Haritonov with his perfect voice production, expression, magnificent presence, body language, perfect interpretation of the Russian Composers, Russian Poets, Russian People, Russian Soul! Thank you, very, very much, Mnogouvajaemyi, Leonid Haritonov. Vechnaya Pamat.’ Forever in my heart!
    Nikolai Massenkoff
    Choir Director, Our Lady of Kazan, San Francisco, California
    ps Please let me know when he passed away. Thank you.

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  2. Felicity Sadoq says:

    Nearly the anniversary of his passing and I have only just found his web site.

    As a double bass player I know of no other singer who actually understood the underpinning of the bass section in an orchestra or a choir. He was and is the all time best. No other voice like him.

    My daughter is a Russian trained violinist courtesy of an English school and I got told to listen to your Dad then. If ever I feel sad on comes your Dad, always works!

    I am sad now so his favorite song on it goes again!
    He will never be surpassed.

    . No one w

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  3. Felicity Sadoq says:

    The best bass voice that ever lived!

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  4. Miguel says:

    I have been a fan of the ensemble and of your father for a long while. How sad was I to discover his passing in my first website visit. I am sorry, and I hope you find solace in the fact that you showed such love and care for your father and his work.

    My condolences Mikhail Leonidovich, and regards,


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  5. arlindo marcos guchilo says:

    great voice. Great artist. Great humain being. Example for new artists / singers

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  6. Orkun GÜNYELİ says:

    I just learned his pass away. I feel very sorry because of the pass away of the greatest opera artist. He is still my best opera artist and his place won’t change in my heart. His voice will not disappear from the world. He will be in our hearts…

    From Turkey
    Orkun GÜNYELİ

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  7. Julia says:

    My God, just discovered his songs. I feel absolutely sorry for his death. I would want to say something that would comfort all of your family but there are no words that would do such a thing, so I just hope you are fine. As people above already said, may he rest in peace.
    From Poland, Julia.

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  8. jack says:

    Just discovered that he passed away, very sad! He will be missed.

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  9. Fernando says:

    Гори, гори, моя звезда!

    May the man whose beautiful voice moved the hearts of millions across the entire world find eternal peace after a long, joyful and fulfilling life. May he forever rest in our love and respect, and may you please find comfort in the knowledge that your father’s memory will forever live on through his wonderful art, continuing to unite and inspire us, just as it has so many other before. I wish you and all your family a very long and loving life, full of the same serene joy your father had in his smile.

    Покойся с миром, Леонид Харитонов.

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  10. Caleb says:

    A legendary man, and singer. There will be no one to ever rival Leonid Kharitonov’s voice and passion.

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  11. doğukan kabadayı says:

    Dear Communist Star has been lost !
    He will be in our hearts…

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  12. Olivier Randon says:

    Très ému de cette nouvelle, je salue la mémoire de ce grand chanteur.

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    he was a great singer and had a very beautiful voice ,he will be missed very much he definitely will never be forgotten.he was an asset to the ALEXANDROV ENSEMBLE.i will continue to listen to his beautiful music.condolences to his family friends and countrymen we all loved you very much from usa DIANE SHATSWELL

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  14. Ben says:

    Thank you for posting. I am saddened at his passing. I wish I had been born 20 years earlier so I could have had the opportunity to know of him longer. My prayers are with you and your family and I hope that more of his music will be available as time goes on.

    From New Zealand
    Benjamin Rastrick

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  15. Claudia says:

    TOTAL EMOTION!!! Songs like this, I been listening during every season of life!!!!

    Thanks for posting, I will keep you and your family in my heart and mind, praying for peace and acceptance.

    Please please continue with this beautiful work and keep the pages updated with more material.Every person who knew Leonid through his art, will appreciate it greatly.

    From Chile, Claudia Contreras Gutiérrez.

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