The Cliff song in Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster movie

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The Cliff song in Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster movie (BBC)

Surviving Disaster TV Series – Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, Episode #3
Soundtrack – The Cliff song performed by the Alexandrov Red Army Choir,
The soloist – Leonid Kharitonov (1965)

Production Co: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Director: Nick Murphy
Writer: Nick Murphy
Release Date: 24 January 2006 (UK)

The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster from the BBC documentary series, Surviving Disaster. This episode follows the accident as told by Valeri Legasov (played by Adrian Edmondson, in one of his more serious roles), the Russian scientist who was a key member of the Soviet government commission formed to investigate the causes of the catastrophe and to plan the mitigation of its consequences. This is quite a chilling tale of events. Some of the documentary was filmed on location in the abandoned town of Pripyat and inside one of the remaining 3 (now closed) nuclear reactors located at Chernobyl.

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3 Responses to “The Cliff song in Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster movie”

  1. Prognostic factors in rheumatoid arthritis says:

    Rheumatoid arthritis treatment safety

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  2. Eulalia says:

    RG, I just got back from Siberia (Steppes, not Taiga or Tundra). You can send me there any time.Nuclear power is all the good thgnis they say about it. It is also all the bad thgnis they say about it. The problem is humans. They don’t follow their own (e.g. construction/safety)rules usually for money reasons, then they lie about it, again usually for money reasons and face saving reasons.(BBC, that seems to be your take on the whole world and you are right, of course).

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  3. Liliane Fortier says:

    je suis sous le charme et émue devant une telle voix, celle de Leonid Kharitonv, inégalable vraiment, ma passion pour le coeur de l’armée rouge me transporter hors de moi dans la contemplation à jamais, quand ces hommes-là chantent ce n’est qu’un seul et même coeur qui bat, personnellement je suis une groupie d’Evgeny Belyaev qui de la tessiture de sa voix de ténor me transporte or de moi dans l’infini .
    Merci de tant de beauté vocale et d’harmonie sans égale.
    de tout coeur de vous salut,
    Liliane C.Fortier

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